Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spice of Tradition

Bhidu is a traditional person and his favorite God is Lord Krishna. When we meet, our discussion revolves around his progress in achieving the target - 10/10/10, the date by when he plans to get hitched.

"Mini is the perfect girl for me - someone who can match shot to shot with me (of Tequila)", Bhidu was animated.
"Thats great!", being a teetotaler I was not able to appreciate this. 
"We had a great time last Saturday. Next month, we are planning for Goa vacation for one complete week."
"So you are on track for mission 10/10/10."
"I am not planning to marry her."
"Our horoscopes don't match."

1 comment:

Jyoti said...

Well Shailesh, I stumbled upon your blog after ages today and wasn't disappointed at all.

Keep it going, it feels nice to read the stuff you post up here dude.